Tuesday, July 27, 2010

David Brooks wants his party back.

Today I made the decision to actively work for the Democratic Party. David Brooks column today convinced me.

For the past 20 years while the Republican party was taken over by an extreme right wing David Brooks watched and at best sat silent, at worse he echoed their talking points. During the Bush years he never objected to even the most extreme policies. He voiced only the most muted concern about the nomination of the absolutely most unqualified person possible to be VP, Sarah Palin. And now that the crazies in the form of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party have completely taken over the Republican party, What does David Brooks want? He wants Obama in his second term to govern from the center right.

No David Brooks, you need to work to get your own party back. I like mine just where it is. Actually I would perfer it a little farther to the left.

BTW good luck getting your party back.